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What does it mean?

Is it that line of monofilament connecting a man to the catch of a lifetime? Or is it taking your cruiser on a journey to the Bahamas? Maybe it’s diving deep to explore what hasn’t been discovered. Maybe it’s sadly realizing that we are slowly destroying what gives so much to us in life, or it could be all of the above. Mostly... It’s about an attitude. It’s about becoming “The Salt” it’s about doing good, being honest, trustworthy, being reliable too, and for, one another. If we lose the ability to be “Salt” then we lose the flavor of life, the seasoning which makes us great together as humans on one world..... Jesus spoke of this on the Sermon on the Mount to his followers, who were mainly fisherman and simple people like us.........Matthew 5:13


This page was built for those who want to purchase GET SALTY gear and to introduce the people that make our group unique. Enjoy our Blogs, feel free to reach out to any team member


Are you ready to buckle up for some wild rides?


Check back here for opportunities to be a part of some once in a lifetime opportunities!


man fishing on a big game fishing trip.jpg

Saltwater &
Fresh water

Comming soon


A Letter from Captain Bo

We are about an attitude.


Get Salty is a Facebook Group community that gives its members information on whatever interest they may have about our great Oceans. Whether it's saltwater fishing, scuba diving, underwater photography, Ocean conservation, Boating or you name it. We try to cover it, but one thing that you have to know about the group is, we hold no opinion of who you are.

Your age doesn’t matter, your race doesn’t matter, your political view, sexual preference or religious view doesn’t matter, but I will tell you this. I am a Christian, but I will never bash or insult your faith. I expect you to respect mine in the same manner. The basis of this group is...The Salt”. From the teachings of Jesus from the sermon on the mount, and whether you believe in him or not. You cannot disagree with his sermon in Matthew 5:13 when he speaks of us...being the Salt.
The flavor that makes life good. He wants us to be kind to one another, responsible, uplifting and compassionate to one another. Think how good the world would be if we could all just follow this one teaching.


Hence, the name... Get Salty.

No one will be allowed to bash, belittle, or insult another.
If you can’t be positive and uplifting towards others, then maybe this isn’t the group for you, and I wish you the best.


Who am I?

Well, for starters I’m human and very far from being perfect. Sometimes I swear, sometimes I may have a drink, sometimes I make the wrong decision, but this isn’t what defines me as a man. What defines me, is how I treat others.

I’m a Captain and a man who has had a very satisfying life. I love the Ocean in its fullest capacity and want to share my experiences with you as well-have you share yours with me and everyone else.

Remember when posting to keep others feelings in the back of your mind. What might be no big deal to you, may be insulting to another, so please post thoughtfully.

The most important rule? Have fun!! and let’s build this group. If you have friends that would enjoy this group, then you have the ability to add them. Just go to the top of the page and click add.

We have a lot of big things going on internally with the group that will be announced when the time is right.

Until then... Have fun and be blessed.

I’ll see you out there!


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